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Tournament Information

The sun was setting on Sunday in Honolulu, and when Hideki Matsuyama hit his fairway metal on the 18th hole at Waialae Country Club, despite a white hat and tinted sunglasses, he was blinded. And then it was deafening. On the first playoff hole at the Sony Open , from yards out with his second shot on the par-5, Matsuyama landed his ball to within about 10 feet, it skipped a couple times and finished 2 feet away.

Hideki Matsuyama, behind one of the most incredible shots you’ll see, wins Sony Open
Bonjour tout le monde !
Bonjour tout le monde !
Условия свободы: гражданское общество и его исторический соперник
Аппликация из страз Мульти-Пульти
“Staycation” Mode
Отчет о велосипедном походе по Арабатской стрелке и Керченскому полуострову

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Bonjour tout le monde ! - Agence A
Bonjour tout le monde ! - Agence A
Hello world! - Berlitz Online
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Результати пошуку
CASFM / EUCAST AVRIL V - Société Française de Microbiologie
Tournament Information – Pacific Coast Deaf Golf Club

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